All Public Industries

Overview: Public monopolies are obviously created by government regulations.


(1) Public Sector Industries

US Defense = Army, Navy, Air, arms manufacturing
Other Federal = infrastructure, postal
State Education = K-12, colleges
Other State & Local = infrastructure, government 

(2) Regulations favoring monopolies

Public monopolies are obviously created by government regulations:

> regulations favoring oil industry with intervention in unstable Middle East creates need for military industrial complex
> competitive bidding of private contractors (defense, construction, etc.) is easily corrupted by the need for subjective evaluation of bids
> subsidies and common core favoring public education monopolies suppress competition from private, charter, magnet, religious and home schooling
> regulations favoring monopolies increases need for college education from prestigious private and public colleges
> regulations requiring unionization of government workers
> restrictive licensing controls supply of lawyers that litigate government regulations


(3) Monopolies are leading to economic problems (including history)

> Military industrial complex is undesirable, expensive and deteriorating
> Infrastructure is crumbling
> Public schools lack effectiveness and efficiency (current K-12 costs are $12,000 per student) and favors cronies (e.g., children of teachers)
> Education at prestigious colleges is expensive (Note: two years at community college followed by a college degree at four-year in-state University is much less expensive)
> Postal monopoly is expensive to subsidize 

(4) Economic problems can be solved by deregulation reform

> abolish regulations favoring public (and private) monopolies
> abolish regulations favoring oil industry with military intervention in unstable Middle East
> curtail competitive bidding of private contractors/suppliers
> abolish common core and preferential subsidies for public education (but voucher programs must provide enough money for all students to enroll in a high-quality private school without additional financial help)
> abolish regulations requiring unionization of government workers
> abolish restrictive licensing controls supply of lawyers

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