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June 21, 2024 Article on AAM
Exposed Global Conspiracy Was Hiding Big Backup Problem of Wind and Solar
January 16, 2024 Article on AAM
Biden is Delaying the Coming Economic Crash
March 14, 2023 Article on AAM
Study Shows the Stock Markets Will Crash
The article summarizes the study showing conditions have aligned for a repeat of the five major crashes that have occurred since the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. Major crashes have always resulted when, and only when, the Fed raises interest rates significantly while the government reduces deficit spending, with the goal of stopping consumer and/or asset price inflation. Government has caused consumer price inflation by using existing and growing barriers to limit supply and favor monopolies, even as consumer demand has been increasing.
March 2, 2023 Study on AAM
The Stock Markets Will Crash, If History is Any Indication
The study shows conditions have aligned for a repeat of the five major crashes that have occurred since the founding of the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank in 1913. Major crashes have always resulted when, and only when, the Fed raises interest rates significantly while the government reduces deficit spending, with the goal of stopping consumer and/or asset price inflation. Government has caused consumer price inflation by using existing and growing barriers to limit supply and favor monopolies, even as consumer demand has been increasing.
October 20, 2020 Study on AAM
How Short-sighted Mathematical Models for Covid-19 Decimated the World
Policymakers have pursued public policies that have decimated the global economy and the world’s health while allowing themselves to be misled by scientists who build flawed models showing the entire population, and not just those most at risk, must be protected from the coronavirus (Covid-19) with social distancing.
Sent to CNN, Fox, NY Times, Breitbart, Intercept, FactCheck, Popular Science, Vox, NPR, The New Scientist, Wired Magazine, LA Times and more for story development
September 30, 2020 Study on AAM
Outrageous Education Costs Caused by School Subsidies
The monopolies and oligopolies of non-profit schools dominating America's elementary and secondary (K-12) and higher education take advantage of a lack of competition to cheat students and the country by demanding outrageous and skyrocketing prices. Politicians have suppressed competition by awarding non-profit public and private schools with preferential subsidies, mainly appropriations and tax breaks respectively.
June 22, 2020 Study on AAM
U.S. Energy Policymakers Risk Economic and Environmental Crises, and War
U.S. policymakers have spurned free competitive markets by using preferential policies to create energy monopolies and oligopolies, and pick winners and losers among fuel types. By preventing competition, fuel diversification and innovation, they have increased the risks of economic and environmental crises, and even war, in the near future.
February 26, 2020 Article on Mises
The Feds Choose Winners and Losers in the Energy Industries
Federal regulators have unwisely favored unreliable wind and solar energy over other renewable energies such as biomass.
February 25, 2020 Article on Mises
The Coal Industry's Ongoing Demise Is Helped Along by Federal Regulators
Federal regulators have unwisely favored the use of unsustainable natural gas over coal.
February 5, 2020 Article on Small Biz Daily
Tech Opportunities Depend on Shorter IP Lifetimes
Tech monopolies have been created with government IP protections from competition. Recent efforts to enforce antitrust and reform patent laws will not end the monopolization. The best chance is to shorten the lifetimes of intellectual property (IP), both copyright and patents.
May 23, 2019 Article on Mises
Government-Created Monopolies Are Everywhere
Throughout American history, politicians have awarded preferential policies to special interests that has allowed them to create monopolies and oligopolies dominating virtually every major market. Meanwhile, economists ignore it all.
December 24, 2018 Study on AAM
How Politicians Created Every Major Monopoly and Economic Problem
AAM's founder has published a first draft of a study showing government regulations imposed by politicians have favored and created the monopolies that have led to the major economic crises throughout U.S. history. Economists have enabled politicians by ignoring the pervasiveness of these monopolies. The claims, first championed by communists/socialists Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin, that capitalism creates monopolies are false. The timing is critical because today's politicians, economists and journalists are falsely blaming capitalism for monopolies, wealth disparity and other economic problems. The founder is publishing parts of the report as articles on the site of the Mises Institute and appear on this page as posts.
December 1, 2018 Article on Mises
The Many Ways Governments Create Monopolies
Politicians have created monopolies and oligopolies in all of today’s major industrial sectors by imposing policies favoring special interests. Education and health care monopolies have been the most costly.
May 9, 2017 (originally published on December 17, 2013) Study/Article on Mises
How Government Regulations Made Healthcare So Expensive
The government caused the ongoing “health care cost crisis” in 1965 by increasing demand with the passage of Medicare and Medicaid while restricting the supply of doctors and hospitals.
October 12, 2016 Video on You-tube
How U.S. Government Regulations Have Led to Virtually Every Monopoly and Economic Crisis
Government policies imposed by politicians have created monopolies in key industries throughout American history.
February 29, 2016 Article on Mises
The Long History of Government Meddling in the American Marketplace
Every economic crisis recurring throughout U.S. history has been preceded by government regulations favoring special interests, particularly monopolies, in relevant industries.
The following are Guest Posts of Robert Rapier written by Mike Holly before founding AAM:
September 3, 2014 Article on Energy Trends Insider
U.S. Renewable Energy Industry Dominated by Monopolism and Cronyism
The U.S. has made renewable energy mandates an option for the states, who in turn have almost all given control of the mandates to their electricity monopolies (e.g., utilities). Typically, these monopolies use subsidized wind power either by building the generation themselves or conducting informal or formal bidding that is readily rigged to favor higher-cost bids from themselves and cronies.
October 24, 2013 Article on Energy Trends Insider
Wind Power Costs in U.S. Are Six Times Higher Than Claimed
Many U.S. special interests are misrepresenting wind power costs. An extra six cents can be explained by tax write-offs targeted to big companies and the rich that cover half to two-thirds of the capital costs of windmills. Moreover, states and utilities have inaccurately reported the required extra transmission and integration costs.
March 1, 2011 Article on Oil Price
The Failure of U.S. Politicians to Open electricity and Other Energy Markets
Over the last century, U.S. politicians have formulated energy policies favoring monopolies and their affiliates and friends, while picking winners and losers among fuel types and even favoring higher-cost technologies, causing consumer and taxpayer rip-offs, increasing debt and pollution, and decreasing innovation, competitiveness, opportunities and growth.